BUVI Scandinavias NEWS
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SALE! a NEW GT1 mini ROV
GT1 mini ROV, 2021-year model at discounted price.
GT1 mini ROV is BUVI Scandinavias budget ROV. But don't underestimate it! t may be small but it does the job if you need a quick eye in the water…
BUVI Scandinavia at Evologics
This week BUVI Scandinavia is in Berlin at Evologics for extended knowledge of the Sonobot 5 USV and its accessories. Click and see the movie.
Object recognition
Object recognition is an advanced feature for Sonobot USV and UUVs.The AI-based system is an extra module that runs directly onboard the vehicle and analyses raw side-scan sonar or video camera output.
Security and surveillance solutions
Security and surveillance for harbour areas, shallow waters and offshore installations. Security for all waters where surveillance may be needed!
BUVI Scandinavia recommends F-V6P ROV for port inspections.
BUVI Scandinavia has completed extensive testing on a new smaller ROV which is portable, competent, easy to operate, affordable and well suited for conducting port inspections.
Read more and see the movie.
BUVI Scandinavia at ROV Demo for Aquaculture in Norway.
See the movie! BUVI Scandinavia at ROV Demo for Aquaculture in Norway.
Sonobot 5 USV for hydrographic surveys
See the movie from InfraGeoTech´s training for Hydrographic Surveys with Sonobot 5 USV.
Search and rescue exercise.
See the video from the search and rescue exercise with ROV and Sonar.
Denmark is not just talking about climate and sustainable energy, they are acting NOW.
See the movie how BUVI Scandinavia’s customer works in the North Sea with SRV-8 ROV.
Video from F-V6P ROV and Oculus Sonar
Look at the movie done with F-V6P ROV and Oculus Sonar by BUVI Scandinavia
Underwater from M / S Estonia
Underwater from M / S Estonia. Remember to read BUVI Scandinavias latest Newsletter
BUVI Scandinavia Newsletter, summer 2022
ROV at work in the North sea | New accident investigation on M / S Estonia | DEMO Autonomous Vehicles in USA | Unparalleled Diver Navigation. BUVI Scandinavia will be…
Autonomous Vehicles Demo
BUVI Scandinavia is proud to present a demonstration for Sonobot 5 USV and Quadroin AUV will be held on Thursday, June 23 starting…
BUVI Scandinavia on Demo trip in USA
BUVI Scandinavia on Demo Trip on the east coast of the USA together with EvoLogics GmbH.
BUVI Scandinavia is preparing
We welcome our customers to a day of training in SeaTrac positioning.