BUVI Scandinavia planning a DEMO in DENMARK
BUVI Scandinavia's successful SUBSEA DEMO in Denmark moved forward to autumn 2025
BUVI Scandinavia works world wide to help our customers with subsea solutions and technology that is capable, efficient, and user-friendly.
We offer consultation, training, and support and act as a partner in your business finding functional solutions by listening and understanding your requirements.
Why BUVI Scandinavia?
For the customers: A company with broad knowledge and a large network that finds your specific solution and delivers all purchases. One contact, one channel world wide.
For the suppliers: A company with broad knowledge that works all over the world with local partners for close contact with customers for service and support. One contact, one channel world wide.
BUVI Scandinavia reaches the market by being flexible, mobile and accessible.
I am interested in a DEMO in Denmark
Examples from previous DEMO ~
Examples from previous DEMO ~
Examples from the Demo
The SRV-8 ROV comes in two sizes
Setup and deploy in 3 minutes or less. Familiar controls and adaptive software open the doors to underwater exploration for everyone.
8 dynamic vectored thrusters allow for precise movements and flexible control. Glide through the water with ease.
SubNav OS, our user-friendly interface, integrates all forms of data collection into one adaptable software. Livestream HD video or record for post-mission analysis.
The SRV-8 ROV is built to be easily handled by one person. The weight of the SUB is only 17.7 kg and can be quickly lowered in the water from any boat or dock.
SRV-8 integrates with many different accessories. Sonar, navigation and tracking systems and multiple manipulators for different applications
SONOBOT USV with NORBIT Multibeam Echosounder
BUVI Scandinavia's business partner for Hydrographic Surveys, InfraGeoTech showed the type of mapping they can perform with SONOBOT USV with NORBIT Multibeam Echo Sounder.
SONOBOT USV focuses on usability, robustness and versatility, together with high performance of the built-in sensors.
SONOBOT is a small, simple and useful platform for planning and executing a hydrographic survey that can deliver accurate geo-referenced bathymetric measurements and high-quality imagery with minimal transport, launch and recovery efforts.
SONOBOT USV with SideScan Sonar
The advanced NORBIT iWBMSh Stabilised to a range of high-profile audiences.
It is easily installed and configured – in less than 45 mins – on a vessel of opportunity, using the NORBIT Portus Pole.
This high-resolution multibeam comes with fully integrated Applanix OceanMaster INS and yet it weighs in at only 6.5kg.
Despite the light weight and only 60W power consumptions, the NORBIT iWBMSh Stabilised is a powerhouse of features. It has active compensation for both roll, pitch and yaw movements – and dual-swath capability.
This gives us up to 2048 soundings per ping, with very even sounding distribution on the seabed, allowing for detection of the smallest features.