BUVI Scandinavias NEWS
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Small, tough and durable Subsea Camera
Whether for industrial, research, or exploration purposes, this camera provides the clarity and toughness you need for deep-sea applications.
BUVI Scandinavia is now Dealer for SIDUS Cameras.
SIDUS Subsea Cameras, positioners, lasers and ultra bright LEDs products are time tested and proven in the field, in the most hazardous and extreme conditions…
BUVI Scandinavia new dealer for NORBIT Subsea product range
BUVI Scandinavia i a new NORBIT Subsea dealer for Ultra-compact wideband multibeam sonars for subsea and surface platforms.
Quadroin AUV now in Series Production
Quadroin AUV is an autonomous sensor carrier for automated monitoring underwater missions. The artificial penguin swarm for ocean reaserch.
See the new movie.
The SUBSEA DEMO DAY was a great success!
Follow-up from the Subsea Demo Day.
Meet InfraGeoTech at SUBSEA DEMO Day 23 October
BUVI Scandinavias business partner for Hydrographic Surveys, InfraGeoTech will be on site to show the type of mapping they can carry out with SONOBOT USV with NORBIT Multibeam Echosounder.
BUVI Scandinavia presents our business partner in the Netherlands.
Ian Jeffery, owner of Subsea Fundamentals is BUVI Scandinavias trusted partner in technical support, service and training for Subsea solutions.
BUVI Scandinavia has delivered SRV-8 ROVs to Veiligheidsregio Utrecht.
Dutch rescue service, Veiligheidsregio Utrecht has started their first training of ROV Pilots in Bosbad Leersum, Netherlands.
Read more "Why is the Oceanbotics SRV-8 ROV Series most often chosen" and see the movies.
Interested in Subsea solutions? Demo, October in Stockholm.
SIgn up for information about October Subsea solutions Demo in Stockholm.