BUVI Scandinavias NEWS
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Quadroin AUV now in Series Production
Quadroin AUV is an autonomous sensor carrier for automated monitoring underwater missions. The artificial penguin swarm for ocean reaserch.
See the new movie.
The SUBSEA DEMO DAY was a great success!
Follow-up from the Subsea Demo Day.
All Saints Eve & All Saints Day
Why are we lighting candles on the graves this weekend in Sweden?
Why is the Oceanbotics SRV-8 ROV Systems most often chosen?
Why is the Oceanbotics SRV-8 ROV Systems most often chosen when a competent underwater drone is needed for important underwater tasks? Sign for DEMO Day 23 October in Stockholm and find out why.
Meet InfraGeoTech at SUBSEA DEMO Day 23 October
BUVI Scandinavias business partner for Hydrographic Surveys, InfraGeoTech will be on site to show the type of mapping they can carry out with SONOBOT USV with NORBIT Multibeam Echosounder.
REMINDER. Sign up for DEMO
We will demonstrate the incredible features of NORBITs iWBMSh Stabilised system | SONOBOT USV with NORBIT Multibeam Echosounder | SONOBOT USV with Sidescan Sonar | Professional SRV-8 ROV with Occulus Sonar
BUVI Scandinavia presents our business partner in the Netherlands.
Ian Jeffery, owner of Subsea Fundamentals is BUVI Scandinavias trusted partner in technical support, service and training for Subsea solutions.
BUVI Scandinavia has delivered SRV-8 ROVs to Veiligheidsregio Utrecht.
Dutch rescue service, Veiligheidsregio Utrecht has started their first training of ROV Pilots in Bosbad Leersum, Netherlands.
Read more "Why is the Oceanbotics SRV-8 ROV Series most often chosen" and see the movies.
Explore innovative SUBSEA SOLUTIONS on 23 October in Stockholm. Organized by BUVI Scandinavia and NORBIT
Interested in Subsea solutions? Demo, October in Stockholm.
SIgn up for information about October Subsea solutions Demo in Stockholm.
Sonobot 5 USV Military standard, important in the search for explosive objects in Ukraine.
Experts have shown how the reservoirs and the coastal area are inspected for the presence of explosive objects…
BUVI Scandinavia wishes everyone a wonderful summer.
BUVI Scandinavia will be available all summer
Newsletter! Subsea technology in a harsh world.
Having control underwater has never been more relevant than it is today. Read the Newsletter!
Why is the number of customers increasing who choose subsea solutions and services through BUVI Scandinavia?
BUVI Scandinavia does not leave our customers when a deal has been made. That's when our relationship begins
We welcome Veiligheidsregio Utrecht (Utrecht Safety Region) as a new customer to BUVI Scandinavia.
After a careful purchasing process, the Utrecht Safety Region (Veiligheidsregio Utrecht ) will purchase 2 ROV systems from BUVI Scandinavia in the context of the application of underwater robotics.
Sonobot 5 USV “Nato Standard” at Ukrainian Front
"Sonobot 5 USVs" used by State Emergency Service of Ukraine during underwater mine clearance operations.
Coming - BUVI Scandinavia's Newsletter!
Subscribe for the Spring Newsletter from BUVI Scandinavia
Do you need another subsea solution?
When you need to take the next step in your underwater missions, more, different or newer equipment may be needed to get the job done.
BUVI Scandinavia has just helped one of our customers sell their Sonobot USV to another customer. We are currently helping…